How do I get a burn permit?
Visit www.burnpermits.mt.gov to purchase and print your permit online. We can assist you at the station if you have trouble accessing the website, but we no longer issue permits at the station.
Is there a cost for the burn permit?
Yes. Burn permits now cost $7, however you can add as many permitted burn locations to one permit as the state allows.
When do I need a burn permit?
For any fire other than warming fires less than 3 feet in diameter, any time open burning is allowed in Missoula County. Permits are generally required for agricultural burning and any large slash piles. A warming fire is considered any fire used for warming or cooking purposes smaller than 3 feet in diameter and a permit is not required in Read More »
Why do I need to activate my permit before I burn?
This allows local fire agencies to view all active burn locations on any given day throughout the county. It may precent an unexpected visit from the fire department if you activate your permit, as we are able to see the location on the map to verify if it corresponds to 9-1-1 calls for wildland fires Read More »
When can I burn?
Any time you have an active burn permit and the air quality restrictions allow for open burning.
What is required of volunteers?
We train the first three Mondays each month and we expect our volunteers to attend at least two out of three training sessions. We also schedule shifts each month based on our member’s availability to ensure coverage of the district, we expect each member to provide availability to assist us in completing the schedule.
What do I need to do to become a volunteer?
Fill out the application found on this website and bring it by the station, please call before you come.
Do you provide EMT training?
Not at this time. We can put you in touch with local agencies that do provide such training.
Do you require any experience to become a volunteer?
No. At EMRFD we provide basic training to all our members, new and old to ensure our safety while responding to emergency incidents. We highly recommend seeking our medical training in the form of CPR, EMT or First Responder classes.d
Do I have to be resident of East Missoula to volunteer on the department?
No, we accept applications from all over Missoula County. We have scheduled shifts and expect our members to be within a reasonable response time to the station whenever scheduled to be on duty. Ask a member today for more information or send us an email.