25th Annual East Missoula Community Easter Egg Hunt and Fun Day
Date(s) - 04/15/2017
11:00 am - 1:30 pm
Mount Jumbo School Park
Join us for the 25th Annual East Missoula Community Easter Egg Hunt and Fun Day on April 15th, from 11am-1:30pm.
We have again teamed up with River of Life Ministries, East Missoula Lions Club, and all of our amazing sponsors to bring another fun-filled day to our community.
This year we will again split up the events for more accessibility to the fun. Please take note of the times, as these have changed from years past.
11am – Opening of Event… Carnival games, free food & drinks, visit with our firefighters and learn about what we do to help out in our community
12pm – Age groups 3-4 and 5-6 kick off on the main field
1pm – Age groups 7-8, 9-10 (main field), and handicap accessible area (next to school building)
1:30pm – Closing of event – See you next year!
Due to comments from years past, no parents will be allowed on the field for any age group during the egg hunt(s). We will have plenty of other family fun activities throughout the day for people of all ages.
Watch our video from the 2013 event to see how we do things…